Social media is continually evolving and spreading every day, thereby creating tremendous opportunities for social media marketers. Since it was first introduced, it is tremendously expanding, providing incredible openings for brands to reach their customer base, and giving marketers the opportunity to maximize their brand reach, engage with the right audience and attain social media goals. According to a statistic in 2018, 3.196 billion people (42% of the global population) use social media – which amounts to 13% increase from the later year. Also, 92% of marketers confirmed that social media marketing has increased the exposure for their brand while 75% of marketers saw an increase in traffic, thanks to social media. With the statistics above, its correct to say that Social media is now evolving to become a way of life today. Social media marketing trend in 2019 is really developing and moving fast and every marketer must move in line with the trends. Below are striking social media marketing trends to concentrate on;
Facebook is known as the world’s biggest social media platform with more than 2billion active users (one-third of the world’s population) and over 65million businesses using Facebook pages. The statistics above shows that Facebook it a great platform to target varieties of audience in social Media Marketing. It's important for digital marketers to really look at who their target market may be, because Facebook may be very unsuitable for some campaigns, especially as it continues to trend downwards with younger populace.
Instagram is known to be an image and video-based social media platform, optimized to make it very easy for users to share photos and videos from their phone, which is now regarded as the most pervasive computing device on the planet and rapidly growing as the computer. Instagram’s dramatic rise has already passed one billion users. That makes it one of the most rapidly growing social media platforms.
Video digital marketing is now vastly growing nowadays, as it is paired with the incredibly accurate and valuable user metrics of digital media to provide much more useful data on how specific efforts are performing. With video, you can capture and convey a lot of information and your brand's personality. Also, live video is big for digital marketing when combined with influencer marketing. Whether it's the new generation of social media influencers or traditional sources, such as celebrities, athletes, and musicians, having a live stream with an influencer is a huge draw for an audience.
Content marketing continues to be an essential component of digital marketing, although there’s an increasing emphasis on the nuance of content. The quality is always going to matter a lot, but now there’s a renewed interested in looking more deeply into who the intended recipients are. Having a deeper, more sophisticated understanding of a targeted market and being able to target that market more precisely is a rising trend in more effective marketing.